Where did the term "OK" comes from?πŸ€”

This has to be one of the simplest but most widely used expressions.Too bad its history isn't as easy.
OK is definitely American,and it is not short for okay.OK was a jokey way of abbreviating "I'll korrect", which is itself a jokey way of saying "all correct".(This was probably a funnier joke if you had been there around 1839. Spelling things wrong in a goofy way was a fad then.)

OK was a common sort of shorthand at the time,because people also used abbreviations like PDQ for "pretty darned quick"--the way we use LOL for "laugh out loud," BTW for "by the way" and FYI for "for your information" today. Most of the silly acronyms are long gone,but OK stuck,and it still means all correct.


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