Top 10 Most Expensive Bicycles In The World๐Ÿšฒ๐Ÿšฒ๐Ÿšฒ๐Ÿšฒ

1. Trek Butterfly Madone – $500,000

2. Trek Yoshimoto Nara – $200,000

3. KAWS: Trek Madone – $160,000

4. Aurumania Crystal Edition Gold Bike: $114,000

5. Trek Madone 7: Diamond – $75,000

6. Chrome Hearts X Cervelo: $60,000

7. Montante Luxury Gold Collection – $46,000

8. eRockit’s Electric Assist Bike – $44,000

9. Litespeed Blade Bike: $40,788

10. Phanuel Krencker’s ‘Bicylettes de Luxe’ – $34,425


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