Know About Your Mysterious Mind
Yes our memory is in our mind.You would say that what the hell I am talking about don't worry you will get to know in this blog. It is often said that nothing exists outside our minds.we see with our eyes.But the mind has guided us to see.the brain and what we see in the world depends on our mind and attitude.And we must improve our memory naturally.our view of the world depends upon our feelings and in turn they surely effect our health and ability. The capacity of the brain is almost limitless.A person can learn any number of languages and may record them in his brain contains around 11,000 million brain cells or neurons.At the centre of the neurons is the cells or neutrons. At the centre of the neuron is the cell body from which issues forth tentacles.Neurons are interconnected through them.It is also said that memory is recorded at different places in the brain according to its contents.It resembles a hologram or a whole record.A hologram i...